
Protecting your privacy

On the 21st December 2001 new privacy laws were introduced.  These laws govern the way personal information is used and stored by companies.

Modern Wealth Management have adopted these practice principles to protect your privacy.

This document briefly explains the types of personal information we may keep and how we may use that information.

What information does Modern Wealth Management hold?

The information Modern Wealth Management holds in relation to your finance application includes all information and supporting documentation provided by you in the course of your finance enquiry.

We may hold or collect information in relation to your finance from other parties pursuant to the privacy act, for example a credit-reporting agency.

We may also keep records in relation to other services provided to you by our preferred suppliers.  This information enables us to assist with your future financial needs.

What obligations does Modern Wealth Management have in relation to this information?

Modern Wealth Management will take the necessary measures to ensure that all personal information held is protected against misuse and loss and from unauthorized access.

Access to personal information will be restricted to only those employees or agents who require access to this information in order to fulfill our service obligations to you.

Modern Wealth Management will not disclose any personal information to other parties without prior written consent (or as required by law).

Any information held by Modern Wealth Management will be held in a secure environment.  Modern Wealth Management may be required by law to retain personal information about you for a period of time after our services to you have ceased.  In this event we will ensure that upon expiry of this period all personal information will be securely destroyed.

You have a right to request a copy of your personal information held by Modern Wealth Manangement about you. Modern Wealth Management reserves the right to charge a reasonable cost for this service should you require this information.

For further information:

Please contact our office on 1800 665 304